A Wall with Different PRV Valves | What is a PRV in Plumbing? | Why is a PRV Important?

Apr 20, 2021

What Are PRVs And Why Are They Important?

If you’ve ever wondered, “What is a PRV?” you’re not alone. Many homeowners are unfamiliar with this crucial device, yet it plays a vital role in protecting your plumbing system. And in many plumbing systems, a pressure regulating valve or PRV can make a big difference in long-term maintenance.

A PRV works by controlling the water pressure coming into a property at the point of service. It ensures that the water that flows through a building’s pipes will then have a controlled and even steady water pressure.

The PRV typically sits near the shutoff and meter setup, and looks like a bell.


Maintenance Value of PRVs

The biggest reason to get a pressure regulated valve in place is usually maintenance value. This is especially for an older plumbing system that probably doesn’t already have one. A working PRV simply saves wear on all sorts of plumbing installations within the house.

For example, uneven water pressure can create problems with a water heater and require costly fixes or replacement.

The same goes for showerheads and dishwashers, and anything else that runs on hot or cold water lines.


High Pressure Symptoms

The PRV will also cut down on pipe noise, which is a symptom of having improper water pressure in play.

You may have heard of something called the ‘water hammer’ problem. This is when those who are using water lines hear a kind of slam as the water shuts off. Improperly high water pressure causes these kinds of problems, and has a big impact on home plumbing systems. It’s often alarming when you hear it – you know something is a little off, but then, down the road, many people get unpleasant surprises when they figure out just how expensive those problems can be.


Getting Your Property’s Plumbing Optimized

At Monkey Wrench Plumbing, we are a premier plumbing service in the northern Utah area. We have the skilled and experienced technicians who can consult with you on how to add a PRV, deal with appliances or otherwise improve your home’s plumbing systems. We are on hand and responsive to help our customers in times of need.

We also value our customers highly and help them to protect their health and their properties during covid-19. You’ll see on the landing page that we’ve invested in personal protective gear and are able to accommodate our customers’ covid concerns. That’s a big deal to someone who may have individuals in their families with high risk conditions! We’ve also always worn shoe coverings in the home in order to avoid tracking in dirt on carpet or other surfaces.

Don’t let high water pressure damage your plumbing—contact Monkey Wrench Plumbing today for professional PRV installation! Call us for prompt and caring service.


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