water heater average lifespan

Oct 23, 2023

The Average Lifespan of a Water Heater And How to Prolong It

Everything you need to know about water heaters in Salt Lake City, Utah

In Salt Lake City, Utah, the average lifespan of a water heater is between 8 and 12 years. However, this is only an average – some water heaters may last much longer, while others may only last a few years. There are several factors that can affect the lifespan of a water heater, such as the quality of the unit, the water quality, and the maintenance.
While there is no guaranteed lifespan for a water heater, there are ways to extend its life and ensure that it lasts as long as possible. By following a few simple tips, you can keep your water heater running smoothly for years to come.

Keep reading to learn more about how long water heaters last and what you can do to extend their life!


The average lifespan of a water heater

The average lifespan of a water heater can vary significantly depending on its quality, the water quality, and how it is maintained. Generally speaking, tanks with lower quality components, such as cheaper tanks made with thinner materials, tend to have shorter lifespans than tanks with higher quality components.

Water heater life spans can also be impacted by the water quality and maintenance. Hard water can damage water heaters, as can lack of maintenance. Regular maintenance, such as descaling, flushing, and inspecting the unit, can extend its life.

The average lifespan of a water heater ranges from 8 to 12 years, with some water heaters lasting much longer. For example, tankless water heaters often last between 20 and 30 years and may even last longer with proper maintenance. On the other hand, traditional tanks may only last 8 to 12 years or less.


Why do water heaters break down?

Water heaters may break down for a number of reasons. Common causes include rust, corrosion, limescale buildup, and leaks. Rust is a common problem for older water heaters, as the steel tank corrodes from the inside out. Corrosion occurs when the tank is exposed to water containing too many minerals and other elements that can react with the steel.

Limescale buildup is another common cause of water heater breakdown. This is caused by hard water, which is high in minerals like calcium and magnesium. As the minerals accumulate in the tank, they form a scale that can cause corrosion and impede the water heater’s ability to heat water.

Leaks can also be a major cause of water heater failure. If a water heater develops a leak, the interior of the tank can get wet, causing rust and other forms of corrosion. Water leaking from the tank can also damage the surrounding walls, floors, and other structures.


Tips to extend the lifespan of your water heater

Even though water heaters are complex pieces of machinery, there are some simple steps you can take to extend their life:

1. Check your water heater regularly – Regular inspection of your water heater can help detect any potential issues early and prevent them from getting worse.
2. Flush the tank – Flushing your water heater tank once a year can help remove sediment that builds up over time and reduce the strain on the anode rod.
3. Install a Water Softener – Installing a water softener can reduce the buildup of scale, as hard water is a common cause of water heater failure.
4. Insulate the Tank – Insulating the tank of your water heater prevents heat loss and reduces the amount of energy needed to heat the water.
5. Use Only High-Quality Parts – Be sure to use only high-quality parts when making repairs or replacing components on your water heater, as this can extend its lifespan.
6. Maintain the Cold Water Supply – Ensuring the cold water supply to your water heater is free from debris and other contaminants can help to keep the heater running at optimal efficiency.


When to replace your water heater in Salt Lake City

Your water heater should be replaced every 11 to 15 years, depending on the type. Furthermore, if your water heater is showing signs of wear and tear, it might be time to replace it. These signs include, but are not limited to:

1. Leaking Tank – If the tank of your water heater is physically leaking, then you’ll need to replace it as soon as possible.
2. Rust and Sediment – If there is a buildup of rust or sediment on the inside of your tank, it’s time to replace it.
3. Corroded Anode Rod – The anode rod of your water heater can become corroded with time, potentially leading to leaks or other issues.
4. No Hot Water – If you don’t have hot water, this may be a sign that your water heater is no longer working and needs to be replaced.
5. Strange Noises – Loud banging, rumbling, and other strange noises from your water heater are signs that it needs to be replaced.


How to dispose of your old water heater in Utah

Once you have determined that it is time to replace your water heater, you must figure out what to do with the old one. It’s important to dispose of it properly, as water heaters can contain many hazardous materials. Some of these include oil, lead, and even asbestos, though many newer models don’t.

The best way to dispose of an old water heater is to hire a professional. They will know how to safely remove it and dispose of it in accordance with local regulations. Alternatively, you can check with a scrap metal yard, which will often take water heaters for recycling.

If you do choose to dispose of it yourself, make sure to check with your local government to learn how to do it properly. In some cases, it has to be disposed of in a certain way, or you may even have to pay a fee. Be sure to wear gloves and protective eyewear and take great care while handling the water heater.


Salt Lake City Water Heater Experts

When it comes to water heaters, ensuring your home is equipped with the right model can significantly increase your comfort and save money in the long run. As a result, it’s important to assess your needs and choose the right model. Understanding how long water heaters last, the different types of water heaters, and how to safely dispose of an old water heater can help you make the best decision.

Since water heaters are a long-term investment, it always pays off to do plenty of research before purchasing one. That way, you can have peace of mind that your water heater will be reliable for years to come.

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